
Generosity Plus

Special CCLN Webinar on August 10, 2023

Want to preach more effectively on giving, stewardship, and generosity? That’s the focus of this 60-minute webinar on August 10, 2023 with the CCLN’s Specialized Coach on Stewardship, Dr. Kregg Hood. The webinar will highlight key principles for giving that are biblical and also aimed at reaching Millennial and Gen Z listeners without neglecting other generations. Kregg will suggest how to integrate the timeless truths of Scripture with recent research done by the Barna and other groups. He will also share several effective sermon ideas he has used and participate in a Q&A with David Vaughn. As a special invitation to attend, Kregg will be giving away several free copies of his books stewardship.

GenerosityPLUS provides both resources and stewardship coaching from Kregg to help guide a church to grow in their giving. For years, research has indicated the national average for giving is around of 2% per giver (or family). GenerosityPLUS is for churches who have a vision to expand that average from 2% to 10% and beyond.

It’s simple and easy to get started. Preachers and Lead Pastors might want to use the preaching strategy Kregg describes here and take advantage of the variety of free resources below. If I can help you, please email me at

God bless you!
Dr. Kregg Hood

 Previous webinars are also listed below. Please contact Kregg to get a copy of the PowerPoint file or to talk about the content.

How to Maximize Giving from Thanksgiving to the New Year

How to Do Your Own Personal Financial Tune Up

How to Build a Church-Wide Generosity Culture

Guiding Christians to Give 10%…and Beyond

Powerful Preaching and Practical Stewardship

How to Help People Get Free from Debt

Teaching Stewardship Principles for Investing